SPONSORSHIP CATEGORY Diamond Gold Silver Contributor
NUMBER OF SPONSORS 1 2 5 Unlimited
SPONSOR COMMITMENT TYPE 5000$ 3000$ 1500$ In-Kind + 500$


Complimentary Conference Pass 6 3 1 1
Complimentary Workshop(s) Pass 6 3 1
Display of the Company Standees in the Workshop(s) 2 1
Display of the Company Standees in the Conference Hall 2 1
Logo Listing in the Workshop(s) Standees
Logo Listing in the Conference Standees
Logo listing in the Workshop(s) Back Drop Extra Large Large Medium Small
Logo listing in the Conference Back Drop Extra Large Large Medium
Promotional Presentation in the Conference   √
Mentioning During the Opening and Closing of the Workshop(s)
Mentioning During the Opening and Closing of the Conference
Mentioning in the Gaps of The Workshop(s)
Mentioning in the Gaps of The Conference
Special Place of Company Logo in the Website
Logo Listing in the Website
Logo appears in the Post Event Report
Distribution of Promotional Material
Logo appears in the Promotional Material of the Event
Logo Appears in the Street Signage of the Event.
Thank you in the Promotional Video of the Event
Logo Appears in our Social Media accounts
Logo Printed in the Conference and Workshop Badges